Make Money Personal is a FREE resource to help you understand personal finance and help you deal with the current changes in the working environment. Being well informed will help you make better financial decisions. Whether you’re looking to invest, buy a home, save for retirement or achieve another financial goal, we’re here to help.

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    Taking control of your life and your future starts with making the right decisions in tough situations.

    Find out more from Bushan Singh, Risk Management Lecturer and Consultant at Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business.

    What about my mortgage payments?

    Annette Wattie, Regional Sales Manager (South), explains how banks treat with mortgages and suggests what you can do to manage with your mortgage payments during difficult financial periods.


    Simple Investing

    Tax Incentive Savings Plan (TISP) Ebook

    Dream Big Ebook

    Retirement Planning with a Tax Incentive Savings Plan (TISP)